City train at night speeding by.

The Hero

Employees want to help solve the company’s challenges.

The Villain

When strategic initiatives are always top-down, you lose employee initiative. Your company ends up operating at a fraction of its potential.

The Plan

Launch a skunkworks program to open up a second engine for innovation.

This lets employees take on experimental projects to help the company succeed. It’s a proven way to let employees innovate alongside their official duties, with zero disruption to operations.

This isn’t Google’s 20% time. The second engine comes entirely from extra productivity, with zero impact to official projects and schedules.

Skunkworks Program

(90 days to innovative mojo)
Emoji One Icon. Number 1 in circle.


skunkworks program

Emoji One Icon. Number 2 in circle.


Provides dedicated
support to employees

Emoji One Icon. Number 3 in circle.


Sponsor projects they
like, ignore the rest

The Stakes

Your company was once the star of the industry. Growing quickly. Full of adventure.

Now growth has slowed. The adventure is gone. Careers are at risk.

If your team can’t restart growth, all will be lost.

The Quest

It’s time to gear up and begin the adventure.

We can help.

We’d love to hear from you!

Tell us your challenge, and let’s see how we can help. Or send us an email!